Abrahamson | Anna | Elizabeth | 1895
Abrahamson | Seval | | 1892
Abrahamson | Seval | | 1894
Ackerman | Anna | | 1882
Ackerman | Carl | | 1882
Ackerman | Oscar | | 1882
Ackley | ? | | 1882
Ackley | Betsey | | 1882
Akerholm | Lisa | | 1889
Alexander | Floid | | 1896
Alexander | Joseph | | 1896
Allard | John | | 1870
Allen | ? | | 1886
Allord | George | Edward | 1873
Anderson | ? | | 1890
Anderson | ? | | 1891
Anderson | Alvin | | 1898
Anderson | Andrew | | 1886
Anderson | Axelina | | 1899
Anderson | Carry | | 1897
Anderson | Charles | | 1889
Anderson | Dorethea | | 1898
Anderson | Edward | | 1894
Anderson | Erik | | 1899
Anderson | Hugo | | 1898
Anderson | Johanna | | 1896
Anderson | John | | 1896
Anderson | Katy | D. | 1898
Anderson | Matias | | 1898
Anderson | Victor | | 1897
Anderson | W. | A. | 1891
Andrewson | Carl | Richard | 1895
Armstrong | Erwin | | 1891
Armstrong | John | | 1898
Arneson | Randie | | 1894
Arneson | Randie | | 1894
Ashford | Albert | | 1889
Ashford | William | Ernest | 1884
Aspin | James | | 1886
Audwingnaby | Maggie | | 1898
Augustine | Magnus | | 1894
Aurand | Hattie | V | 1882
Axlund | Kirstina | | 1895
Baca | Joseph | | 1897
Bailey | Emma | | 1898
Barclay | ? | | 1873
Barr | George | | 1897
Barrie | James | | 1886
Beatty | Harriet | | 1882
Beauchamp | E. | | 1892
Beauchamp | not named | | 1892
Beecher | John | | 1894
Belfe | Ed. | | 1898
Belmer | Henry | | 1896
Billings | Eva | | 1897
Billings | William | | 1892
Bingham | Clarence | M. | 1898
Bingyea | Eugene | | 1871
Bird | John | | 1873
Bishop | Alex | | 1888
Blaker | Francis | | 1870
Blaker | Michael | | 1870
Blanchard | E. | Mrs. | 1890
Blomquist | Ester | E. | 1898
Bomme | Minnie | | 1882
Bondoyn | Blanch | | 1896
Bonhomme | ? | | 1875
Boomer | And. | | 1899
Boomer | Marie | | 1895
Borbon | infant | | 1872
Borg | Gustof | | 1890
Bouchard | Moses | | 1874
Bouchord | Albert | Edward | 1879
Bouschor | Claud | E. | 1895
Bouschor | David | | 1888
Bouschor | Ida | | 1888
Bouschor | Matilda | | 1899
Bowen | F. child of | | 1898
Bowen | Hattie | D. | 1895
Boyd | Eddie | | 1894
Brabaron | William | R | 1886
Brammick | Thomas | | 1880
Brandnus | Charles | | 1894
Breno | Mary | Secor | 1892
Broden | Mary | | 1897
Brooks | Geo. | | 1898
Broome | Thomas | | 1888
Brown | John | C. | 1899
Brown | John | | 1887
Brown | John | | 1898
Brown | Susan | E. | 1899
Brownly | James | | 1895
Brunet | Omase | | 1893
Burdett | Eliza | | 1888
Burkowitz | Ed. | | 1895
Burkowitz | Pauline Mrs. | | 1899
Burley | Floyd | | 1894
Burley | Vernon | | 1893
Burlton | Ole | | 1872
Burns | ? | | 1894
Burns | Walter | | 1894
Buscher | Harriet | | 1873
Byers | Esther | Ellen | 1895
Byers | Jas. | A. | 1898
| | |
Calhone | Frederick | G. | 1896
Calnan | Samuel Jr. | | 1896
Cameron | ? | | 1874
Cameron | W. twin baby of | | 1898
Cameron | W. twin baby of | | 1898
Camerson | Charles | | 1875
Campbell | Duncan | | 1887
Campbell | John | | 1885
Campbell | Mary | Jane | 1896
Campbell | Mrs | | 1882
Carlson | Harry | Em. | 1898
Carlson | Peter | M. | 1898
Carney | Bernard | | 1887
Carney | Clary | | 1896
Carney | James | | 1893
Carnfelle | Georgiana | | 1894
Carpenter | Alvin | | 1886
Carr | Ernest | M. | 1897
Carr | William | | 1898
Carrick | Charles | | 1881
Carrick | Lillie | | 1881
Carrick | William | | 1881
Carruffell | Peter | | 1898
Carufelt | Eava | | 1899
Casemore | Hattie | M | 1888
Cassma | Steven | | 1899
Chapman | Charles | | 1893
Cheistensen | Jensine | | 1890
Chisholm | Edna | | 1889
Choat | Geo. | | 1877
Christensen | Harry | | 1899
Christensen | Helen | Alvina | 1897
Christensen | Roy | | 1889
Christensen | William | R | 1888
Christiansen | Carolina | | 1896
Christianson | Carrie | Martina | 1896
Christianson | Helen | | 1897
Christson | Barnett | | 1897
Clark | ? | | 1895
Clark | unknown | | 1895
Clarke | Wright | E. | 1896
Clement | Jacob | | 1897
Clemons | Rufus | | 1896
Cline | Mary | May | 1888
Coda | Harry | | 1896
Cody | David | | 1894
Coffey | Timothy | | 1898
Cole | James | | 1898
Colwell | Fred | Smith | 1877
Conarty | Edward | | 1893
Condon | John | | 1887
Congden | Gladys | | 1893
Conolon | David | | 1887
Conorors | Georgiana | | 1899
Conway | Michael | | 1888
Cook | Emaline | | 1882
Cook | George | | 1885
Corneils | William | R. | 1892
Cotzian | Michael | | 1898
Cox | Ella | C | 1870
Cravitz | Joseph | | 1894
Crawford | Valdemar | | 1878
Crawford | Willie | | 1882
Crilly | Joseph | | 1893
Cross | Winnie | | 1892
Cummings | Mary | | 1897
Cummins | William | | 1892
Curley | William | | 1888
Curly | Bessie | | 1894
Custler | Peter | | 1872
Cvitash | John | M. | 1894
Cvitash | Mary | | 1894
Cvitash | Mary | | 1894
| | |
Dalbec | Joissant | | 1870
Daley | ? | | 1890
Daley | Nelson | | 1888
Dallen | Thomas | | 1892
Daly | ? | | 1895
Daly | ? | | 1895
Darson | John | | 1893
Davidson | S. | P. | 1897
Davis | Lottie | | 1894
DeBoer | Peter | | 1894
Deford | Frank | | 1892
Demaur | Aug. | | 1899
Demay | ? | | 1894
Demero | Mary | | 1892
Denoff | Victor | | 1897
Depotty | Tilla | | 1887
Derry | Gladdess | | 1894
Desautels | Leon | | 1894
Desottle | Bertie | | 1890
Devroye | Florence | | 1893
Dodds | James | | 1888
Dondereau | Peter | | 1896
Donegan | William | | 1897
Dopuie | Daniel | | 1898
Doust | Joseph | | 1893
Drevdahl | Ole | C. | 1897
Duck | Charlotte | | 1873
Duck | Peter | | 1873
Dudy | infant | | 1898
Dufor | Edward | | 1876
Dumas | Samuel | | 1872
Dunn | Daniel | James | 1876
Dupey | Leady | | 1898
Dupont | Oliver | | 1892
Dwyer | Edward | | 1899
Edwards | Alma | M. | 1898
Edwards | Jacob | | 1883
Ehlers | Eva | | 1899
Eiylebritzen | Syvert | | 1893
Ekstrom | Augusta | | 1890
Ellingson | Hans | | 1882
Elliott | David | O. | 1893
England | Orvill | | 1898
Erickson | John | | 1893
Erickson | Mary | | 1894
Esterholm | Annie | | 1898
Fagan | Robert | John | 1897
Fair | Alonzo | | 1884
Fell | Maud | | 1886
Finn | William | John | 1885
Fisher | Charles | | 1892
Flarnes | Julia | | 1898
Fletcher | Eleanor | Ann | 1898
Fletcher | Elizabeth | | 1892
Fletcher | George | | 1892
Fletcher | James | Henry | 1891
Fletcher | James | | 1891
Fletcher | Walter | | 1893
Foley | Andrew | Mrs. | 1894
Forbes | James | | 1881
Forest | Clara | | 1896
Fowler | baby | | 1888
Freeman | Emina | | 1892
French | Catherine | | 1886
French | Charles | | 1889
Frink | Susan | Elizabeth | 1870
Froese | Hakan | Magnus | 1899
Fuller | Frankie | | 1882
Funk | Orrilice | | 1898
Fydell | ? | | 1881
Fydell | Archie | | 1889
Fydell | Elva | Ann | 1892
Fydell | Francis | | 1889
Fydell | William | J. | 1889
Gage | Christopher | | 1897
Gage | Christopher | | 1899
Gage | Ruby | L.V. | 1891
Gagnon | Clemento | | 1884
Galarno | Geo. | W. | 1899
Galigher | Ellen | | 1895
Garrison | Cecil | | 1897
Garrison | Ina | | 1891
Garrison | Silas | | 1883
Garrit | Martha | Rose | 1898
Gasperich | Jacob | | 1891
Gasprich | George | | 1897
Gautc | Mary | | 1896
Gauthier | Pomella | | 1898
Geaumont | Arthemise | | 1897
Gentz | Mollita | Baulita | 1897
Gibbs | Howard | L. | 1895
Gibbs | Milo | | 1894
Gillingham | George | Dewey | 1898
Gorman | Fenton | | 1896
Gorsche | John | George | 1894
Gort | Andrew | | 1893
Goudrean | Kate | | 1899
Gouin | Emma | | 1898
Graham | Ichabert | | 1894
Graham | Mary | J. | 1896
Granat | Frank | | 1891
Grangier | Orpha | | 1896
Granholm | ? | | 1890
Grannmond | Margaret | | 1875
Grant | Andrew | | 1897
Grant | Charlotta | | 1887
Grant | Ida | Gertrude | 1889
Grant | James | | 1881
Grant | Patrick | | 1887
Gray | Chester | Lee | 1890
Gray | Chester | | 1890
Gray | George | | 1893
Gray | Walter | | 1893
Grenell | Caroline | | 1877
Griener | Mary | E. | 1891
Grigwave | Rosa | | 1892
Grinan | Margaret | | 1894
Grondin | Hazel | | 1892
Grondin | stillborn | | 1890
Grondin | stillborn | | 1891
Guerin | Joseph | | 1888
Guerin | Norman | | 1890
Gullipin | Mrs. | See McG | 1894
Gustafson | ? | | 1891
Gustafson | Annie | | 1894
Gustafson | Charles | | 1892
Gustafson | not named | | 1893
Gustafson | stillborn | | 1894
Gustafson | Wilhelm | | 1891
Hagan | Mathis | | 1898
Hager | George | | 1886
Hagers | stillborn | | 1884
Hail | Burgis | | 1891
Hale | Ellen | | 1899
Hamilton | Marshall | | 1897
Harcourt | James | | 1892
Harcourt | Stephen | S. | 1899
Harcourt | Stephen | | 1891
Hart | Fillman | | 1878
Harvey | John | | 1882
Hasley | Mary | | 1896
Havlichick | Eva | | 1898
Hawkins | Ralph | | 1894
Hendrickson | Chas. | Leonard | 1899
Hendrickson | Gelena | | 1899
Hendriksen | Mathias | | 1898
Herman | Esther | | 1894
Hickory | James | | 1881
High | Geshgakna | | 1888
Highland | Christena | stillborn | 1893
Highland | Cristena | | 1893
Highland | stillborn | | 1891
Hill | Grace | | 1890
Hill | Ile | | 1899
Hinkson | Phoebe | | 1887
Hoffman | ? | | 1888
Hoffman | Celia | | 1888
Hogue | Thomas | | 1887
Hogue | Thomas | | 1889
Holm | Abraham | | 1896
Holm | infant | | 1898
Holm | John | Einar | 1890
Houl | Henry | | 1885
Hovitz | Barbara | | 1898
Howell | Henry | P. | 1899
Hursh | ? | | 1882
Ineberg | ? | | 1875
Ineberg | Mary | | 1875
Isaacs | Jacob | | 1891
Isac | Alex | | 1893
Isac | Benjamin | | 1893
Ishphordins | Andrew | | 1899
Israel | Doyle | | 1892
Isreail | Cathin | W. | 1897
Jachor | August | | 1896
Jackson | J. | F. | 1891
Jacox | Daniel | | 1874
Johnson | ? | | 1874
Johnson | ? | | 1875
Johnson | ? | | 1895
Johnson | Anders | | 1899
Johnson | Axel | | 1892
Johnson | Elmer | Wm. | 1897
Johnson | Eva | | 1888
Johnson | Fredrica | | 1887
Johnson | John | G. | 1894
Johnson | L.J. | child of | 1898
Johnson | Olga | | 1887
Johnson | stillborn | | 1899
Johnson | William | | 1885
Johnson | August | | 1894
Joyce | Anthony | | 1885
Juhl | Annie | K. | 1894
Kane | Timothy | | 1894
Keating | Mary | | 1890
Kefred | William | | 1895
Kehoe | John | Mrs. | 1891
Keifert | Elma | | 1897
Kelley | John | | 1885
Kennedy | Edward | | 1885
Keshkelwhog | Jane | | 1872
Kifl | Karl | | 1891
Kilbourn | Josephina | | 1899
King | ? | | 1873
King | Henry | | 1874
King | John | | 1881
Kinner | Cora | L. | 1892
Kinney | Jessie | | 1890
Kipp | Mary | | 1886
Kirchner | John | Joseph | 1874
Kirtacog | Susan | | 1872
Kivers | Cynthia | | 1891
Klagstad | Carl | | 1899
Kneebone | Edith | | 1886
Kotchin | John | | 1887
Kranse | Kate | | 1890
Krause | Annie | | 1891
Krause | Karl | | 1897
Krumich | John | | 1883
Labelle | Delephena | | 1896
Labelle | Joseph | | 1896
LaBelle | Josephine | | 1875
Labranch | Edward | | 1890
Laffeneor | Louis | | 1897
Lake | ? | | 1894
Lake | Russel | | 1898
Lambly | J. | B. | 1890
Lamere | unknown | | 1871
Lamvay | Malvina | | 1882
Lamvay | Turrie | | 1882
Lamvay | Victoria | | 1882
Lane | Burty | | 1882
Langley | Frank | | 1885
Langret | Joseph | | 1894
LaPaint | Henry | | 1899
Lapine | Joseph | Rubin | 1898
Laport | Peter | | 1887
Larsen | Anna | | 1897
Larsen | Ivan | | 1897
Larsen | Jennie | | 1897
Larson | ? | | 1897
Larson | A.F. | child of | 1898
Larson | John | | 1892
Larson | John | | 1893
Larson | John | | 1893
Larson | Waly | Kanghild | 1899
Launderville | Delia | | 1873
Launghlin | Anna | | 1898
Lavay | Arthur | | 1889
LeBoref | Mrs. | | 1875
LeClair | Chas. | | 1885
Lefonde | infant | | 1881
Lehman | Annie | | 1895
Leiville | Leo | Paul | 1895
Leque | Joseph | | 1899
Leville | Ozelene | | 1894
Lewis | D. | W. | 1889
Lewis | Leslie | W | 1887
Ligar | Mary | | 1873
Lindstrom | John | G. | 1899
Liston | John | | 1888
Little | John | Spencer | 1899
Locheaux | Rose | | 1894
Lockhart | Robert | James | 1882
Lofgren | Marie | | 1899
Logan | Paul | | 1894
Logan | stillborn | | 1888
Long | Burt | | 1891
Loose | Alfred | | 1894
Lunn | John | | 1894
Lyman | Elizabeth | | 1891
Lyman | Eugene | M. | 1898
Lyman | Pearl | E. | 1891
Lyman | Samuel | J. | 1891
Lystell | Arthur | | 1894
M - Z
The names contained on this list are in alphabetical
order and are written as they appear
in the Schoolcraft County ledger which is located at
the Schoolcraft County Clerk’s
office. If you wish to obtain a copy of a death
certificate, write down the name of the
person you are interested in, the year of the death
and send it to SCHOOLCRAFT
MANISTIQUE MI 49854. The cost for a copy is $10 for
the first copy and $3 for each
additional copy.